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What is Ag School?
Ag School is a 100% free education program hosted by Advanced Biologicals for farmers, agri-business professionals, or anyone else interested in learning more about agriculture.  Our "classes" are held once per month with each class focusing on a single theme ranging from new cutting edge technology, how to increase profitability, emerging opportunities, increasing soil health, upcoming regulations, and much more. 
Who Teaches the Class?
Ag School invites industry professionals, university professors, real world farmers, government representatives, and other individuals involved in the agriculture sector to "teach" the classes.  
What is the Goal of Ag School?
The goal of Ag School is to be a free tool that the agriculture industry can utilize to help make farming both as profitable as it can be but also as efficient and "farm friendly" as it can be.  
2017 Class Schedule & Topics
January 3rd- info coming
Febuary 6th- info coming
March 6th- info coming
April 3rd- info coming
May 1st- info coming 
June 5th- info coming
July 10th- info coming 
August 7th- info coming 
September 4th- info coming 
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